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Providing FREE and CONFIDENTIAL counselling and Support to men, women and children who have been sexually abused recently or in the past.​

child holding f lower in a meadow during the day

Providing free and confidential counselling for adults and children, of all genders, who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse at any time in their lives.








Here to listen

Listen to our SONG on youtube at:-






Adult expressing a sense of relief with arms spread wide, looking up to the sky



We provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL counselling for adults and children aged 8+, of all genders, who have been sexually abused.

Our counselling service is provided for people in Angus, on an outreach basis (where we come to you), proviced in a safe and comfortable environment for you to speak with a counsellor about your experience and how it has affected you.  It is up to you what you discuss and your counsellor will go at your pace.  

We provide longer-term counselling if that's what you need.   All counselling sessions last approximately an hour.  

Appointments can be arranged during the day or early evening.  ï»¿

We have consulting rooms in various locations across Angus and can arrange to meet with you in your home town or if you prefer, in a different area from where you live.  We can also arrange counselling outdoors, digital platforms (zoom), or over the telephone.  It's really up to you!

You may also be interested in getting involved in a support group.  We run these from time to time and they can have different themes, from confidence/self esteem building; sharing experiences; reading, music or art groups. 

How to make an appointment

Telephone, email or text.  A counsellor at Hear Me will answer your call.


Your first appointment is intended to provide information which will help you decide whether you wish to go ahead with counselling.

We aim to offer this first appointment as soon as possible after you have contacted us. Our aim is that this would be within 10 working days.  You will then be offered ongoing appointments as soon as possible thereafter.


At busy times we may have to open a waiting list.  If you are placed on the waiting list you will be contacted at regular times to let you know how things are progressing and to check that you still wish to receive counselling.


Strict confidentiality is always maintained as it is an essential part of the counselling process.  No personal information either verbal or written will be disclosed to anyone else outside without your written consent, unless you tell us you, or someone is in danger.

All our counsellors are required to have a supervisor who monitors the  quality of their work.  The process of counselling supervision is conducted in a way that ensures your confidentiality.

Equal Opportunities and Ethics

We are committed to the promotion of equal opportunities in all our work.  Our counsellors abide by the codes and practices of the professional  body for Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland, COSCA or BACP.

Equality diversity and inclusion statement

Hear Me has adopted equality, diversity and inclusion as core values and places all its policy development in the context of the objectives of:

Ensuring that all individuals who come into contact with the Hear Me, whether as service users, employees, volunteers or in other capacities, are treated with dignity and respect, ensuring that the opportunities that Hear Me provides for learning, personal development and employment are made available on a non-discriminatory basis, providing a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for service users, employees and volunteers.

child skipping over rock pools

​​​Children and Young People Service


We will listen to you and we know it takes courage to contact us.

A Hear Me Counsellor is someone;

-who you can trust.

-who is genuine, open and friendly,

who won't judge you or put you down.

-who is not easily shocked.

-who is aware of the sorts of problems you might be worried about.

-who will let you take your time.

Sometimes it can help to chat with somebody outside of your family or friendship circle. Our counsellors are here to listen and support you to come up with ideas on what you could do next.


Is Hear Me confidential?

Yes. Hear Me is a confidential service. This means that whatever you say stays between you and Hear Me.

Confidentiality means not telling anyone else about what you’ve said.


However we would need to say or do something if:

  • You ask us to.

  • We believe your life or someone else’s life is in danger.

  • You or someone else is exposed to a dangerous or abusive situation.

  • You are being hurt by someone in a position of trust who has access to other childlren, like a teacher or police officer.

  • You tell us that you are harming another person


What kinds of things can I talk about?


Whatever matters to you, or worrying you.  Here are some examples of things other children and young people have talked about.


  • Finding it hard to sleep or having nightmares

  • Feeling uneasy, worried, sad or frightened

  • Wanting to hurt yourself

  • Feeling depressed or anxious

  • Bullying

  • Feeling lonely

  • Feeling angry

  • Getting into trouble at home or school


For Parents and carers


It is important that parents and carers understand a child or young person's right to privacy in a therapeutic setting.  Confidentiality is crucial in creating a safe space for the child or young person.


Just ask

If you are unsure of anything, please 

just ask.  Our counsellors are here to help YOU as best 

we can.


Hear Me
For appointments, referrals or information:
Tel: 01307 850741
Text: 07975 726953

Your call will be answered by one of our counsellors.



Other places to get help​

If you are feeling distressed, in a state of despair, suicidal or need emotional support, contact:


Samaritans: 116 123

Local rate call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your call will be confidential and will be taken by a trained Samaritans volunteer.


ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK to talk about any problem.

Call free on 0800 11 11

Open 24 hours a day every day of the year


Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 Daily 6pm -12 midnight)

If you are depressed or experiencing low mood, you can phone and speak to a Breathing Space advisor:


Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87

Available 6pm - 2am week days,
Friday 6pm - 6am on Monday, at weekends.
Calls are free of charge.

If you are ill and feel it can't wait until your GP surgery re-opens you can call:

NHS 24: 111


If you think you have an emergency situation or need an ambulance you should dial 999.



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